52歌赋>英语词典>cold comfort翻译和用法

cold comfort

英 [ˌkəʊld ˈkʌmfət]

美 [ˌkoʊld ˈkʌmfərt]

n.  于事无补的安慰; 不起作用的慰藉



    • 于事无补的安慰;不起作用的慰藉
      the fact that sth that would normally be good does not make you happy because the whole situation is bad
      1. A small drop in the inflation rate was cold comfort for the millions without a job.


    • N-UNCOUNT 不起作用的安慰
      If you say that a slightly encouraging fact or event iscold comfort tosomeone, you mean that it gives them little or no comfort because their situation is so difficult or unpleasant.
      1. These figures may look good on paper but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.



    • very limited consolation or empathy
      1. he told me that time heals all wounds but that was cold comfort to me


    • The results show that when combined with ice thermal storage, the cold air distribution can lower the original investments and operation costs of the air conditioning system and reduced relative humidity can improve human body comfort and indoor air quality.
    • A hot cup of milk on a cold night is a real comfort.
    • At present, air-conditioning is being widely used for heating in hot summer and cold winter areas. This heating method 'heat transfer form is mainly convection, which is high energy consumption, and is being widely criticized by the users because of its bad comfort.
    • The two appliances can help rural residents against the extreme cold, but indoor thermal comfort is still poor during winter.
    • Kevin: Yeah, well that's cold comfort. My phone keeps ringing-off the hook with customers complaining about those USB cables you sold me.
    • Dear S.O.S.: Cold comfort though it may be, you and your coworkers are part of a growing national trend.
    • These figures may look good on paper but are cold comfort to the islanders themselves.
    • Finally, CCCs is compared with traditional full air air-conditioning system in terms of cold load, operation, installation and human comfort produced.
    • With the development, researchers found that people only feel neither hot nor cold, but not comfort in stable condition. Plenty of examples show that local environment control can alleviate discomfort in warm or cool environment.
    • That's cold comfort to anyone looking for a job right now.